Guest WiFi
Guests and visitors to the University can get free internet access on campus using WiFiGuest or Govroam.
Connect to WiFiGuest
Follow these steps to connect
- select WiFiGuest from the list of available wireless networks
- sign in or log in to The Cloud using your web browser (this service is provided by )
- if you're not automatically directed to the login page, open your device's browser and go to
WiFiGuest is for guest use only. If you are a staff or a student and you have connected to WiFiGuest, you should 'forget' the network in your device's wifi settings and continue using eduroam.
Connect to Govroam
If you're a member of the UK public sector, you may have a Govroam national WiFi roaming account that you're able to use at the University of Sheffield.
Contact your home organisation if your username and password are not working.
More information about the service can be found on the .